Daily List no. 226, for

Monday 22nd November 2021

The Daily List is divided into Statutory Instruments, Official Publications, Scottish Statutory Instruments, Agency Publications. Prices are pounds sterling.

Statutory Instruments

This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.

Issued on 19th November 2021

Statutory instruments 2021

The Non-Domestic Rating (Discretionary Relief) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2021 – 2p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Local Government Finance Act 1988, ss. 47 (8), 143 (1). – Issued: 19.11.2021. Sifted: -. Made: 16.11.2021. Laid: 18.11.2021. Coming into force: 19.11.2021. Effect: S.I. 1989/1059 amended. Territorial extent and classification: E. General. – £4.90 – 9780348229189. Order here

The Immigration (Jersey) Order 2021 – 184p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Immigration Act 1971, s. 36 and British Nationality Act 1981, s. 53 (5) and Criminal Justice Act 1982, s. 81 (11) (12) and Immigration Act 1988, s. 12 (5) and Asylum and Immigration Appeals Act 1993, s. 15 (1) and Asylum and Immigration Act 1996, s. 13 (5) and Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, s. 170 (7) and Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, s. 163 (4) and Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004, s. 49 (3) and Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, s. 63 (3) and UK Borders Act 2007, s. 60 (4) and Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009, s. 57 (5) and Immigration Act 2014, s. 76 (6) and Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, s. 51 (3) and e Immigration Act 2016, s. 95 (5) and Policing and Crime Act 2017, s. 183 (7) and Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018, s. 63 (6) and Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Act 2020, s. 8 (2) (3)– Issued: 18.11.2021. Sifted: -. Made: 10.11.2021. Laid: -. Coming into force: In accord. with art. 1 (1). Effect: 1971 c.77; 1988 c.14; 1993 c.2; 1999 c.33; 2002 c.41; 2004 c.19; 2006 c.13; 2007 c.30; 2009 c.11; 2014 c.22; 2015 c.6; 2016 c.19 modified and SI. 1993/1797; 1998/1070; 2003/1252; 2012/1763, 2593; 2015/1532; 2016/994; 2017/981, 982; 2018/619, 1368 revoked and SI. 2020/1566 revoked (subject to paragraph (2)). Territorial extent and classification: E/W/S/NI/Jersey. General. – £29.35 – 9780348229233. Order here

1287 (W.325)
The A458 Trunk Road (Broad Street and High Street, Welshpool, Powys) (Temporary Prohibition of Vehicles) Order 2021 – Enabling power: Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s. 16A. – Issued: 19.11.2021. Sifted: -. Made: 18.11.2021. Laid before Senedd Cymru: -. Coming into force: 27.11.2021. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: W. Local. – Available at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/wsi/2021/1287/contents. – In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Gorchymyn Cefnffordd yr A458 (Broad Street a High Street, Y Trallwng, Powys) (Gwahardd Cerbydau Dros Dro) 2021. – Non-print

Official Publications

Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

The All notices gazette – ISSN 03743721 – Daily

19 November 2021. Containing all notices published online on 18 November 2021. – 112p.: 30 cm. – £15.00 – 9780116897428. Order here

The London gazette – ISSN 03743721 – Daily

63532. 19 November 2021. Containing all notices published online on 18 November 2021. – p. 20841-20954: 30 cm. – £8.00. Available on annual subscription £1,980.00 (2021 rate) – 9780116920317. Order here

The London gazette Supplement, List of statutory publications – ISSN 03743721 – Monthly

63533. Friday 19 November 2021. List of statutory publications October 2021. Supplement no. 1 to the London gazette of Thursday 18 October 2021. – p. 505-568: 30 cm. – £16.50 – 9780116920324. Order here

H.M. Treasury.

Government financial reporting manual 2021-22. – [128]p., figs (some col. ), tables, looseleaf with binder holes: 21 cm. – Known as FReM. Supersedes previous edition (ISBN 9780115601651). – £26.50 – 9780115601668. Order here

Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber).

Immigration appeal reports – ISSN 0966758X – 6 issues a year

2021 4th issue. Imm AR 965-1338. – [2], xiv, p. AR 965-1338: 25 cm. – £79.00. Also available on annual subscription £300.00 (2021 rate) – 9780117851429. Order here

Scottish Statutory Instruments

This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.

Issued on 19th November 2021

Scottish statutory instruments 2021

The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel and Operator Liability) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 7) Regulations 2021. – 16p.: 30 cm. – Enabling power: Public Health etc. (Scotland) Act 2008, ss. 94 (1) (b) (i), 122 (2). – Issued: 19.11.2021. Made: 18.11.2021. Laid before the Scottish Parliament: 19.11.2021. Coming into force: 22.11.2021 @4.00am. Effect: SSI. 2021/322 amended. Territorial extent and classification: S. General. – For approval by resolution of the Scottish Parliament within 28 days beginning with the day on which the Regulations were made, not taking into account any period of dissolution or recess for more than 4 day. – £6.90 – 9780111052204. Order here

Agency Publications

This section lists those items placed on sale on behalf of the British, European and international organisations for which The Stationery Office is an agent. Please note that prices are liable to change without prior notice.

Food and Agriculture Organization.

Coffee value chain analysis: opportunities for youth employment in Uganda – Francis Mwesigye – Hanh Nguyen. – xiii, 88p., col. ill., col. figs, tables: 30 cm. – On cover and title page: Rural employment; Knowledge materials - value chains. – £47.50 – 9789251330982. Order here

Environment and natural resources management: working paper 84
Sustainable bioenergy potential in Zambia: an integrated bioenergy food security assessment – ISSN 2226-6062. – xix, 252p., col. ill., col. figs, col. tables: 30 cm. – £38.95 – 9789251334744. Order here

Legal paper 106
Tenure rights and obligations: towards a more holistic approach to land governance – ISSN 2664-5777 – Lorenzo Cotula. – v, 45p.: 30 cm. – £43.95 – 9789251345771. Order here