Daily List no. 079, for

Titles published on Monday 26th April 2010

The Daily List is divided into Acts, Statutory Instruments, Official Publications, Stationery Office Publications, Scottish Official Publications, Northern Ireland Assembly Publications, Northern Ireland Statutory Rules, Northern Ireland Official Publications, Agency Publications. Prices are pounds sterling.


Issued on 23rd April 2010


Equality Act 2010 Chapter 15: explanatory notes. - 215p.: 30 cm. - These notes refer to the Equality Act 2010 (c. 15) (ISBN 9780105415107) which received Royal assent on 8th April 2010. - £26.75 - 9780105615101. Order here

Sunbeds (Regulation) 2010 Chapter 20: explanatory notes. - 8p.: 30 cm. - These notes refer to the Sunbeds (Regulation) Act 2010 (c. 20) (ISBN 9780105420101) which received Royal assent on 8 April 2010. - £5.75 - 9780105620105. Order here

Statutory Instruments

This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.

Issued on 23rd April 2010

Statutory instruments 2010

1147 (W.102)
The Welsh Ministers (Transfer of Property, Rights and Liabilities) (Wales) Order 2010 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006, ss.11, 203 (9) (10), sch. 2, para. 22. - Issued: 23.04.2010. Made: 30.03.2010. Laid before the National Assembly for Wales: -. Coming into force: 01.04.2010. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: W. General. - In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Gorchymyn Gweinidogion Cymru (Trosglwyddo Eiddo, Hawliau a Rhwymedigaethau) (Cymru) 2010. - £4.00 - 9780348101973. Order here

1148 (W.103)
The Local Education Authorities and Children's Services Authorities (Integration of Functions) (Wales) Order 2010 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Education and Inspections Act 2006, ss. 162 (5A), 181 (2). - Issued: 23.04.2010. Made: 31.03.2010. Laid before the National Assembly for Wales: -. Coming into force: In accord. with art. 1. Effect: 2008 nawm 2; 2009 nawm 1, 3, 5; 2010 nawm 1 amended. Territorial extent and classification: W. General. - In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Gorchymyn Awdurdodau Addysg Lleol ac Awdurdodau Gwasanaethau Plant (Integreiddio Swyddogaethau) (Cymru) 2010. - £4.00 - 9780348101966. Order here

1171 (W.104)
The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (Controlled Activity) (Wales) Regulations 2010 - 8p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, ss. 23 (1), 56 (1) (f), 61 (5). - Issued: 23.04.2010. Made: 31.03.2010. Laid before the National Assembly for Wales: -. Coming into force: 01.04.2010 in accord. with reg. 1. Effect: None. Territorial extent and classification: W. General. - In English and Welsh. Welsh title: Rheoliadau Deddf Diogelu Grwpiau Hyglwyf 2006 (Gweithgarwch Rheoledig) (Cymru) 2010. - £5.75 - 9780348101980. Order here

Official Publications

Cabinet Office.

Understanding crowd behaviours. -

Vol. 1: Practical guidance and lessons identified. - 149p., col. figs, col. ill: 30 cm. - £25.00 - 9780114302030. Order here

Vol. 2: Supporting theory and evidence. - 222p., col. figs, col. ill.: 30 cm. - £35.00 - 9780114302047. Order here

Understanding crowd behaviours (Vols 1 and 2 PACK). - 1 pack. - 149, 222p., col. figs, col. ill: 30 cm. - Pack contains Vol. 1: Practical guidance and lessons identified and Vol. 2: Supporting theory and evidence. - £48.00 - 9780114302054. Order here

Competition Commission.

Brightsolid Group Limited and Friends Reunited Holdings Limited: a report on the anticipated acquisition by Brightsolid Group Limited of Friends Reunited Holdings Limited - Laura Carstensen (chairman of report group), David Saunders (chief executive and secretary). - v, 120p., col. figs, tables: 30 cm. - Dated 18 March 2010. - £41.00 - 9780117068544. Order here

Department of Health. Estates and Facilities Division.

Health building note

HBN 04-01
Adult in-patient facilities. - xi, 40p., col. ill., col. fig: 30 cm. - This edition replaces those of 1997 (ISBN 9780113220588) and 2008 (ISBN 9780113227952). On cover: In-patient care. - £45.00 - 9780113228560. Order here

HBN 11-01
Facilities for primary and community care servicesSupplement A: Case studies. - x, 74p., col. ill., col. fig: 30 cm. - Supplement to Health Building Note 11-01 "Facilities for primary care and community services" (2009, ISBN 9780113228539). - £45.00 - 9780113228553. Order here

Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

The London gazette - ISSN 03743721 - Daily

59400. Friday 23 April 2010. - p. 7269-7388: 30 cm. - £1.55. Available on annual subscription £390.00 - 9780116694003. Order here

The London gazette Supplement, Premium bonds - Irregular

59228. Premium bond supplement October 2009. Supplement to the London gazette of Friday 30 October 2009. unclaimed prizes up to and including March 2008. - P. 1 - P.903: 30 cm. - Premium Bond Supplements are no longer issued by TSO on a monthly basis. Issues of the supplement (since January 2005) may be viewed on the National Savings and Investments website www.nsandi.com. - £5.90 - 9780116692283. Order here

Stationery Office Publications

British Retail Consortium.

Wytyczne najlepszych praktyk: audit wewnetrzny (Polish PRINT). - [Issue 2]. - iv, 18p., figs, tables: 30 cm. - Dated July 2008. Polish version of Best practice guideline: internal audit (ISBN 9780117025752). - £25.00 - 9780117066205. Order here

Wytyczne najlepszych praktyk: identyfikowalnosc (Polish PRINT). - [Issue 2]. - iv, 13p., col. figs, tables: 30 cm. - Dated July 2008. Polish version of Best practice guideline: traceability (ISBN 9780117025769). - £25.00 - 9780117066298. Order here

Wytyczne najlepszych praktyk: kontrola szkodnikow (Polish PRINT). - [Issue 2]. - iv, 24p., col.ill., tables: 30 cm. - Dated July 2008. Polish version of Best practice guideline: Pest control (ISBN 9780112025776). - £25.00 - 9780117066113. Order here

Wytyczne najlepszych praktyk: postepowanie z reklamacjami (Polish PRINT). - iv, 22p., figs, tables: 30 cm. - Dated July 2008. Polish version of Best practice guideline: complaint handling (ISBN 9780117025745). - £25.00 - 9780117066380. Order here

Wytyczne najlepszych praktyk: wykrywanie cial obcych (Polish PRINT). - [Issue 2]. - v, 30p., col. figs, tables: 30 cm. - Dated July 2008. Polish version of Best practice guideline: foreign body detection (ISBN 9780117025783). - £25.00 - 9780117066472. Order here

Scottish Official Publications

Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.

The Edinburgh gazette - Twice weekly

26777. Tuesday 20 April 2010. - p. 1523-1556: 30 cm. - £0.95. Annual subscription £88.20 (2010 rate) - 9780114989545. Order here

Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.

The Edinburgh gazette - Twice weekly

26778. Friday 23 April 2010. - p. 1557-1628: 30 cm. - £0.95. Annual subscription £88.20 (2010 rate) - 9780114989552. Order here

The Edinburgh gazette Company law official notifications supplement - Weekly

26779. Friday 23 April 2010. Supplement to the Edinburgh Gazette of Friday 23 April 2010. - 1 PDF. - [144]p. - Available as a free download from www.gazettes-online.co.uk. - Free - 9780114989569. Order here

Northern Ireland Assembly Publications

Northern Ireland Assembly bills - Session 2008-2009

(11/08 ML 1)
Forestry Bill marshalled list of amendments consideration stage Tuesday 27 April 2010; amendments tabled up to 9.30am Thursday, 22 April 2010. - [10]p.: 30 cm. - £2.50 - 9780339203754. Order here

(11/08 NA 1)
Forestry Bill notice of amendments tabled on 19 April 2010 for consideration stage. - [8]p.: 30 cm. - £2.00 - 9780339203747. Order here

Northern Ireland Assembly debates

Official report (Hansard) - Irregular

Vol. 40 (6 April 2009 to 17 May 2009). - [4], 1 - 346p., CS 1 - CS 94, WA 1 - WA 428, IDX 1 - IDX 56, hdbk: 31 cm. - £70.00 - 9780339800380. Order here

Northern Ireland Statutory Rules

This list is printed under the authority and superintendence of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, being the Queen's Printer of Acts of Parliament and Government Printer for Northern Ireland.

Issued on 23rd April 2010

Statutory rules of Northern Ireland 2010

The Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, ss. 7, 10, 22, 31. - Issued: 23.04.2010. Made: 12.04.2010. Coming into operation: 16.04.2010. Effect: S.R. 2002/1 amended. - £4.00 - 9780337981142. Order here

The Misuse of Drugs (Designation) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2010 - 2p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s. 7 (4) (5). - Issued: 23042010. Made: 12.04.2010. Coming into operation: 16.04.2010. Effect: S.R. 2001/431 amended. - £4.00 - 9780337981135. Order here

The Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment and Support Schemes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010 - 4p.: 30 cm. - Enabling power: European Communities Act 1972, s. 2 (2). - Issued: 23.04.2010. Made: 21.04.2010. Coming into operation: 15.05.2010. Effect: S.R. 2005/256, 310; 2006/200, 211; 2008/194 revoked. - EC note: Regulation (EC) No. 73/2009 (O.J. No. L 30, 31.01.2009, p 16), and other associated Community instruments. - £4.00 - 9780337981159. Order here

Northern Ireland Official Publications

Not every Northern Ireland publication will be available in all Stationery Office outlets. In such cases contact the Stationery Office Bookshop, Belfast.

Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

The Belfast gazette - ISSN 09510370 - Weekly

7184. Friday 23 April 2010. - p. 237-248: 30 cm. - £0.75. Annual subscription £68.00 - 9780337771941. Order here

The Belfast gazette Company law official notifications - ISSN 09510370 - Weekly

7185. Friday 23 April 2010. Supplement to the Belfast gazette of Friday 23 April 2010. - 1 downloadable PDF. - [44]p. - Available as a free download from www.gazettes-online.co.uk. - Free - 9780337771958. Order here

Agency Publications

This section lists those items placed on sale on behalf of the British, European and international organisations for which The Stationery Office is an agent. Please note that prices are liable to change without prior notice.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Dedicated public-private partnerships units: a survey of institutional and governance structure. - 117p., figs, tables: 23 cm. - £21.00 - 9789264006515. Order here

Learning mathematics for life: a perspective from PISA. - 245p., figs, tables: 27 cm. - PISA = Programme for International Student Assessment. - £34.00 - 9789264074996. Order here

OECD economic surveys

Finland - ISSN 0376-6438. - 123p., figs, tables: 27 cm. - Special features: Fiscal sustainability. Dated April 2010. - £45.00 - 9789264077317. Order here

Pathways to success: how knowledge and skills at age 15 shape future lives in Canada. - 128p., graphs, tables: 27 cm. - PISA = Programme for international student assessment. - £27.00 - 9789264077492. Order here

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Development Assistance Committee.

Geographical distribution of financial flows to developing countries: disbursements, commitments, country indicators2004-2008. - 271p., chiefly tables: 32 cm. - On cover: 2010. - In English and French. - £80.00 - 9789264079298. Order here